Love Quiz!

LoveQuiz! is the best way to learn about each other! 

Test how well you know your partner, and have a lot of fun! 

You will spend some quality time, laugh a lot and learn all about the hidden side of your partner! 

Dr Goodlove, Dr Grandamour and Dr Tieknot have all gathered to prepare you the best quizzes.  And watch out for Dr Hardwood’s intimate quiz… to learn all about the secret desires of your partner! 

Play this Love Quiz with your partner to test the strength of your love… or just for fun!  When the background is pink, it’s her turn. When it’s blue, it’s his turn.  For each question, the first person answers. The second person has to guess what the first answer was. Then it alternates. 

Download it today for free on the appstore: Love Quiz!

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